December 2011 - Mexico Repowers its Trade Links with Central America

Mexico Repowers its Trade Links with Central America

Mexico and a group of countries consisting of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua signed the Mexico – Central America Single Free Trade Agreement after three years of intense negotiations. This agreement will replace the three trade agreements that Mexico has with Central American countries in order to harmonize, deepen and update the commitments and disciplines governing the current trade between the countries of the region.

Fishing in a Sea of Resources

In recent years, Mexico has worked diligently to sustainably increase production within the fishery sector. Thanks to an excellent location for commercial fishing due to its geographical position, and 7,200 miles of coastline along both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, Mexico has enormous potential to supply high-quality sea products for both the domestic and international markets.

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November 2011 - SMEs: The Growth of Small Giants in Mexico

The essential part of a country’s economy consist of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that contribute to job creation and economic output. This is evident in Mexico, where SMEs make up 35% of the GDP and contribute with 7 out of 10 formal jobs.


Mexico is Online with the Internet and e-Commerce

As the fastest growing and second largest technology market in Latin America, Mexico has one of the world’s highest rising rates of Internet penetration. In last ten years, Mexican online users have grown more than 1,000% reaching almost 35 million users in 2010. This exceeds the total number of users in Spain and Italy. Thus, e-commerce in Mexico has also grown in importance and it is expected to continue its expansion as more Mexicans begin to shop and do business online.

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October 2011 - Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico is on the Rise

Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico is on the Rise

Mexico has the possibility of receiving as much as $20 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) in this year alone. Compared to last year’s $18.6 billion in FDI, there appears to be an increase. The Mexican economy is currently in place to remain one the world’s leading points for FDI. With key industrial and services sectors expanding, it is estimated that the domestic output will increase by 4% or 5% this year.

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September 2011 - Mexico’s National Tourism Agreement

Mexico’s National Tourism Agreement

The implementation of the National Tourism Agreement signed by the Mexican President Felipe Calderon early this year aims to make Mexico one of the world’s leading tourist destinations. The Tourism Agreement coordinates work between all three levels of government, educational institutions, and the private sector. It seeks to promote tourism activities and infrastructure at both the national and international level to serve as an engine of economic growth and job creation.

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August 2011 - The Young Face of Mexico in the Global Market

The Young Face of Mexico in the Global Market

This is not the old view Mexico. Almost two decades after the NAFTA was signed, Mexico is a very different country—Mexicans are more educated, more women are employed and the majority of Mexicans now belong to the middle class.

Mexico’s Key Role in North America’s Supply Chain

Worldwide trade has become increasingly fragmented as production is performed across multiple countries. The highly integrated economic ties between the U.S. and Mexico illustrate the dynamics of a 21st century supply chain as inputs cross the border multiple times accumulating value added to the good being exported and imported.

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July 2011 - TechBA Promotes Global Success for Mexican High-Tech SMEs

TechBA Promotes Global Success for Mexican High-Tech SMEs

TechBa, a Mexican technology business accelerator program, advises and mentors small Mexican technological business to achieve a fast growth both in Mexico and around the world. The program enhances companies innovation capabilities and supports their successful insertion to the global economy

Mexico Supreme Quality Seals an Achievement on Food Safety

As one of the world’s primary agricultural exporters, Mexico provides consumers around the globe with goods that meet the highest safety and quality standards. Mexico Supreme Quality is a program that responds to this commitment to standards by guaranteeing that fruits and vegetables have been safely produced, stored and packed.

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June 2011 - Mexico is Expanding Its Horizons in Latin America

Mexico, more than ever, is making an emphasis on having stronger trade links within its southern neighbors. As globalization continues to shrink the world, it is crucial for Mexico’s economy to keep up with other competitive countries. One of the strategies of doing so is by expanding international trade agreements.

Processed Food Industry in Mexico

Since NAFTA entered into force 17 years ago, the U.S. and Mexican agricultural and food processing sectors have become far more integrated. Therefore trade of processed food between the U.S. and Mexico has multiplied by 5.6 during this period, exceeding $12.6 billion worth of products in 2010.

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May 2011 - Emergence of a New Competition Law in Mexico

Emergence of a New Competition Law in Mexico 

The reform to the Federal Law on Economic Competition is meant to level the field on economic competition and will have a strong positive impact on Mexico’s economic growth.

Mexico’s Medical Device Industry Goes Global

The Mexican medical device industry has been rapidly evolving over the past few years. It has steadily grown to become an increasingly important global player in health care equipment production which has contributed to rank Mexico as the main supplier for the U.S. and the 11th largest exporter of medical equipment worldwide.

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April 2011 - The Success of the Mexican Federal Inspection Type System

The Success of the Mexican Federal Inspection Type System

Mexico is engaged in the production of high quality agricultural goods, including meat products. The meat being processed in Mexico fulfills all requirements and complies with the regulation for domestic consumption as well as for export in the world’s highest quality meat markets.

Mexico’s Cogeneration Potential for Energy Efficiency and Investment Opportunities

Today, electric power cogeneration is considered a significant and cost-effective option for energy conservation within the Mexican economy. Mexico has an enormous potential to produce economically feasible electricity through cogeneration with a capacity up to 10,164 MW.

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March 2011 - US-Mexico Trade Experienced a Thriving Performance in 2010

US-Mexico Trade Experienced a Thriving Performance in 2010

Between 1994 and 2010, trade among the NAFTA partners has tripled, reaching $878 billion. During this period, US-Mexico trade has almost quintupled, reaching nearly $400 billion last year. In 2010, economic conditions significantly improved in both countries, boosting a robust 29% growth in the bilateral trade.

The Mexican Steel Industry Shows Its Strength and Iron Will

The Mexican steel industry is seeing technical advances, continued consolidation, and increased productivity that have positioned it among the most efficient worldwide. It has also experienced a steady production recovery driven by the growth of the Mexican economy and an increase of international demand for Mexican steel products.

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February 2011 - Golden Times for the Mining Industry in Mexico

Golden Times for the Mining Industry in Mexico 

With estimated investments of $13.1 billion between 2010 and 2012, the mining industry in Mexico reaffirms its rank as the world’s sixth favorite destination for foreign investors. In the past few years, Mexico has also been improving its mining regulatory framework and developing more attractive investment rules that have underpinned larger flows of foreign and domestic investments.

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January 2011 - Mexico is Stepping Forward in Energy Efficiency

Mexico is Stepping Forward in Energy Efficiency 

Mexico is strongly committed to change the way that energy is produced and consumed by implementing better public policies and adopting more efficient and environmentally sustainable technologies in order to reduce carbon emissions. In this regard, Mexico has implemented several programs aimed to reduce its energy intensity such as the efficient lighting and appliances substitution programs.

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