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April 1997- NAFTA Partners Profit from Rising Agricultural Trade Growth

NAFTA Partners Profit from Rising Agricultural Trade Growth

Agriculture and fisher trade at all-time high; benefiting farmers, producers, processors, transporters, related industries and consumers on both sides of the border.

Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico Continues to Rise

Foreign direct investment in Mexico reached $89.2 billion in 1995 and a total of $7.6 billion in 1996.

Mexico Announces New Environmental Initiatives

Mexico continues environmental improvement efforts in order to encourage higher environmental standards, greater compliance and more private investment in environmental infrastructure.

Business News Digest

U.S.-Canada-Mexico Electricity Consortium Lights up Baja

WillBros to Engineer Mexican Gas Pipeline

Mexican Railroad Group Hires U.S. Technology Firm

Mexican Payphone License Awarded to Texas Firm

State Profile


Download 4-apr-1997

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