July 2011 - TechBA Promotes Global Success for Mexican High-Tech SMEs

TechBA Promotes Global Success for Mexican High-Tech SMEs

TechBa, a Mexican technology business accelerator program, advises and mentors small Mexican technological business to achieve a fast growth both in Mexico and around the world. The program enhances companies innovation capabilities and supports their successful insertion to the global economy

Mexico Supreme Quality Seals an Achievement on Food Safety

As one of the world’s primary agricultural exporters, Mexico provides consumers around the globe with goods that meet the highest safety and quality standards. Mexico Supreme Quality is a program that responds to this commitment to standards by guaranteeing that fruits and vegetables have been safely produced, stored and packed.

Success Stories

  • Mexico Attracts a Mazda Mayor Investment
  • Baja Mining Lays First Stone at Minera Boleo
  • Mexico’s Alfa to Buy US Plastics Business
  • Prologis Invests in Intermodal Terminal and Industrial Park

State Profiles

  • Mississippi
  • Queretaro

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